

This version was saved 19 years, 4 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by PBworks
on October 8, 2005 at 7:48:52 am

A metal wiki? FINALLY!


Yes that's right. After having searched the web myself for a metal wiki community and failed to find any I have decided to create my own one! This wiki will focus on both reviews but also establishing a community of dedicated metalheads who want to share their passion and views for this wonderful and rich music genre.


There are no boundaries on styles, whether you like 80s glam metal or power metal or if you're into extreme metal you're welcome to add your thoughts. Be constructive in your criticism whether in favour or against a certain band or album, that's the only rule.


For the time being this wiki will be text-based. If you wish to upload pictures from concerts you've attended please put a link to your image-hosting site.

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